Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar Series


This webinar series is produced for Youth Justice Professionals, Directors and Executive Leadership within Children’s Services, Team Leaders from Virtual Schools, Social Care, Health, Troubled Families and Early Help Teams, as well as a range of frontline professionals from education settings across the phases.

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar 1#

Working with Schools

Targeted speech and language assessments for primary and secondary children at risk of exclusion: Milton Keynes Youth Offending Service.

Here is a copy of the presentation

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar 2#

Outstanding Child First Partnership Practice in Staffordshire and Blackburn and Darwen

Featuring “upstream” diversion and prevention in Staffordshire through local SEND networks, and highly effective multi-agency practice in Blackburn and Darwen

Here is the Blackburn and Darwen CF EPP 2023 presentation and here is the Staffordshire CF EPP 2023 presentation.

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar 3#

Prevention as a partnership responsibility

It is not about waiting for a child to offend… it is all about early identification and early help… with the Youth Offending Team playing a critical role in all aspects of this.. in partnership with other agencies and services.
We are extremely grateful to colleagues from St Helens and Camden who described their provision, partnership systems and processes.
Camden featured an interconnected partnership provision within an Integrated Youth Support Service: the power of networking and intelligent systemic design. (Please find the PowerPoint slides here)

St Helens highlighted a prevention offer supported by a dedicated Education Re-engagement Mentor, working with children, schools and families, a weekly health panel, and a training offer to local providers (such as Care Homes). (Please find the PowerPoint slides here)
If you need an accessible version of the above files please email us at

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar 4#

2030 Vision: The Future of Child First Partnership Practice

A reflection on some of the advances in systematic thinking, Assistive Technologies and brain sciences that could have a dramatic impact on reducing the numbers of children entering youth justice pathways in the next decade.

Sharon Gray (YJB Board Member) and Marius Frank (leading the YJ SEND Quality Mark process since 2016) reflect on some of the latest advances in systemic thinking, assistive technologies and brain sciences that could have a dramatic impact on the numbers of children entering youth justice pathways in the next decade. You can also download the PowerPoint presentation (If you need an accessible version of this file, please contact:

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar 5#

Colleagues from Swindon (Download the notes) and East Sussex Youth Offending Services (Download the notes)  describe how they are building and empowering local services and providers to be “Child First” in word and deed. (If you need an accessible version of the files, please contact
The notes supplied by each team are particularly helpful in illuminating their strategic thinking and describing the impact of delivery.
If you want more advice please contact

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar 6#

Removing the systemic barriers: How Assistive Technologies can transform communication outcomes for young people and adults in justice pathways

Following on from the “visioning” webinar in June earlier this year with Sharon Gray, Marius Frank describes how recent advances in Assistive Technologies are rewriting the rulebook when it comes to supporting young people with communication issues.

Marius makes a case for using AT in youth justice pathways, and shares the learning from two recent DfE-funded projects involving over 200 schools in England. Opportunities for Youth Offending Service staff to access training alongside staff from PRUs and Alternative Provision in their areas are also presented.

Here is a slide pack and a key supporting document

If you want more advice please contact

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar #7- Creating a Strategic Vision

During a recent YJB visit, Barnet’s Youth Justice Strategic Plan for 2023-25 was praised as “one of the best in London”. Cezar Tan describes the vision behind the plan, and how the plan builds on the firm foundations of established, effective partnership practice which includes strong links to education providers, to other Service Teams, and featuring powerful initiatives such as a tri-borough (Harrow, Barnet and Brent) Engage project to identify and support young people during the reachable teachable moment, leading to positive and successful ETE outcomes.

Here is a slidepack and here is a copy of the Strategic Paper

If you need an accessible version of this file, please contact:

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar #8- Making partnerships work in Coventry and Hillingdon

We recommence our series of autumn webinars with presentations from two Local Area partnerships that have recently been awarded Child First Commendations through the YJ SEND Quality Assurance process.

Coventry focus on relationships with education providers, securing positive ETE outcomes and work with schools that reduce fixed term and permanent exclusions, including specific interventions around knife crime.

Hillingdon present on building powerful partnerships with SEND Team, NHS and the Virtual School.

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar #9- Making partnerships work in Haringey and Isle of Wight

The citation that celebrated the work of the Isle of Wight Area Partnership focussed on two aspects of outstanding practice: the Joint Decision-Making Panel (JDMP), which is a multi-agency approach to identifying and acknowledging high-level complex needs, and then commissioning appropriate support, ensures that children do not slip through the net. Also, the Youth Crime Prevention Service for children 10-17 identifies and supports those who are believed to be at risk of offending or anti-social behaviour. Referrals to this service can be and are made, by SEND, Social, Health and Child Looked After teams. Children at risk of school exclusion are prioritised.

 Haringey were also praised for their multi-agency preventative work; Turn Around funding is targeting 12-16 year-old children in up to five schools with an aim to reduce the possibility of suspension and expulsion from school. Haringey is also a major partner in the London Accommodation Pathfinder initiative: a project to develop an integrated 24-hr multi-agency supported accommodation alternative to youth custodial placement, with an aim to build increased life skills, agency and local opportunities into training and employment.

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar #10- Supported Internships for Children in Youth Justice Pathways

This webinar bring together Local Authority SEND Leaders responsible for managing Supported Internship programmes and Youth Justice ETE Managers. New opportunities and possibilities are emerging which open up pathways for young people with complex needs to access local Supported Internship programmes. With grateful thanks to the Leadership of the NDTi programme for contributing to this webinar.
Notes can be downloaded here.
Email address for enquiries and further information is:

Child First Effective Partnership Practice Webinar #11- Securing the Child’s Voice in Youth Justice Pathways

Andrea Nisbet from Loughborough University and Kathy Hampson from University of Aberystwyth will share some of the recent findings from a Nuffield Foundation-funded project aimed at learning more about effective participation, within Youth Justice Services, in custody, but also interactions and engagement with the police, courts and children’s social care services.

Here is a link to the project report:

Here is a link to the video created by participating young people: