Code of Conduct

Core Standards

Active Listening

  • To listen to our customers. Give undivided attention, ask questions to confirm facts. Show empathy, ready to act in the customers best interests.


  • Respectful and polite. Demonstrate a pleasant, enthusiastic, helpful manner, communicating relevant information clearly and accurately. Providing excellent customer service. Handle all enquiries, instructions, and complaints promptly, accurately, and efficiently.

Freedom to Deliver

  • Take pride in the service you provide. Look at ways to improve the quality of service and remove barriers that could potentially affect our customers. Adopt a “can-do” approach and take appropriate action to meet the needs of our customers.


  • An open and honest approach. Actively promote Microlink as a reputable organisation to set us apart from our competitors. Maintaining appropriate standards of responsibility and professional behaviour.

Forward Thinking

  • Develop skills and knowledge required. Strive for performance improvement. Be adaptable and maintain a positive approach to change. Think ahead and anticipate a customer’s requirements and needs.


  • Share knowledge, best practice, and experience to support colleagues in the achievement of goals. Always lead by example, contributing to the team moral. Actively contribute to the overall team effort and achievements.

Microlink’s Code of Conduct

I am proud to introduce Microlink’s Code of Conduct.  Our code explains and defines how Microlink does business the right way, a way that is embedded by its strong ethical culture.

Within our Code of Conduct, we talk about Integrity and Accountability in all that we do.  This is critical to ensure that we maintain our reputation amongst our external stakeholders and demonstrate to our employees that we ensure equal employment opportunities.

My business partner and I have grown Microlink for the past 30 plus years to be a strong, ethical and reputable business but we both understand that this can be lost at a moment’s notice.  We value our reputation.  We value being honest and trustworthy.

At Microlink, we follow our code of conduct to strengthen our ethical culture, build trust with employees and customers alike to ensure that we remain respected within our marketplace.

We do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

Nasser Siabi, OBE

Chief Operating Officer

Microlink’s code of conduct provides a roadmap of how we do business.  It refers to policies, standards and procedures that govern us.

By following this code, it enables our staff to act with integrity because we each have a role to play in supporting our ethic’s culture.

It helps us to be:

  • Respectful
  • Honest
  • Fair
  • Transparent
  • Purposeful
  • Trustworthy
  • Vision: “No person in the world should suffer disadvantage at school or at work by reason of any physical or mental health challenges.”
  • Mission: “To discover, innovate and implement assistive technology and people focused solutions; so that everyone can realise their true potential.”

Whatever your role is at Microlink, the principles of our Code should be at the core of every business decision that is made. It is everyone’s responsibility for how Microlink does business and the impact it has around the globe.

  • We obey laws and act with good faith
  • We value diversity and encourage open conversations
  • We show respect
  • We build trust and make our business decisions on fact and operate honestly with all our stakeholders to maintain transparency in our decisions making

We do what’s right, we are all accountable..

At Microlink, we foster a well-developed sense of self-accountability and trust because it is what we do when no one is looking that counts. We advocate that our employees are honest with themselves because each of us is responsible for what we say and do. We ask everyone to look beyond the immediate moment to consider any consequences.

Every Microlink employee is accountable for the tasks that they perform, and we ask that every employee be accountable.

Everyone at Microlink acts with integrity which means understanding, accepting, and choosing to work in accordance with Microlink’s principles, which is being honest, fair and decent.

Responsibilities for Leaders and Managers

  • Leaders and managers have special responsibilities under our Code. If you lead or supervise others, Microlink requires you to demonstrate ethical leadership with the following actions:
  • Foster a positive work environment in which only legal, ethical and responsible behaviours are acceptable.
  • Communicate the importance of ethically sound business practices. Discuss the ethical and legal implications of business decisions.
  • Provide employees with training and development to guide their performance, enhance their capabilities and grow their careers.
  • Use performance review processes to evaluate employees on what business objectives they achieve and how.
  • Identify and mitigate ethics and compliance risks, as well as other business risks.
  • Respond in a timely way to those who seek advice or raise concerns.
  • Keep commitments and manage employees’ expectations.
  • Expect accountability among all employees, regardless of position or job title.
  • Manage any conflicts of interest.

At Microlink, we respect everyone irrespective of background.

We believe that having diverse teams are an asset.  We encourage people from under-represented backgrounds to apply to our roles and we don’t discriminate based on colour, race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, genetics, disability or age.  We appoint people in roles because the individual can do the job.

We foster an inclusive environment in our workplaces which promotes individual expression, innovation and achievement.

We are committed to ensuring, within the framework of the law, that our workplace is free from unlawful or unfair, direct, or indirect, discrimination on the grounds of sex, disability, marital status, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, age, race, religious belief, ethnic or national origin, or trade union membership or non-membership.

We recognise that people have preferences in relation to the world around them.  The Equality Act (2010), states that there are nine protected characteristics and that it is unlawful to discriminate against people because of those characteristics.

At Microlink, we maintain a work environment based on dignity and respect and free of bullying, harassment and discrimination.

All employees at Microlink are entitled to work in an environment which respects their personal dignity, and which is free from objectionable conduct.  Bullying and harassment has a devastating effect on health, confidence, morale, and performance by individuals affected by it.

Microlink has zero tolerance for these type of behaviours.


We believe that every employee should be treated with respect,

A work environment free from harassment and discrimination lets us grow and thrive together.

  • We protect the confidentiality of our colleagues’ personal, medical, family and financial information.
  • We do this by not disclosing such information to anyone, internally or externally, other than those with a need for such information and when we are legally permitted to do so.
  • When we transfer this information to those with a business need, we do so securely, following the methods required by the Data Protection Officer/Legal and Compliance teams.
  • We adhere to legislation in all our business dealings.

Why It Matters

Microlink collects, stores, uses and shares personal information to run its business.  Microlink complies with legal requirements and administers pay and benefits. Microlink uses that information only as needed for relevant business purposes and shares with those only on a need-to-know basis and only when consent has been obtained from individuals.

We handle this data in accordance with our HR Privacy Policy, together with the Data Protection Officer’s policies and the applicable local data privacy laws.

The policies are designed to protect information from improper disclosure.

At Microlink, we are committed to ensure that the environment where we work is safe.

The health and safety of our employees, contractors and visitors is taken seriously.

Everyone is responsible for following our Health and Safety policies and procedures.

We ensure we are all safe by:

  • Knowing and complying with occupational health and safety laws and related Microlink policies..
  • Watching out for each other and helping others avoid unsafe conditions or behaviours.
  • Reporting unhealthy or unsafe conditions or behaviours.
  • Knowing what to do in an emergency and co-operating during the practice of emergency drills.

At Microlink we identify every employee’s potential and enable individuals to reach their potential in the fullest sense (not just for Microlink’s benefit) and ensure that  other employees are not denied opportunities.


  • Because it motivates, engages and retains our top talent.
  • Helps close skill gaps.
  • Drives better customer experiences.
  • Creates career paths and opportunities.

“It’s not where you start but where you finish that counts.”

Zig Ziglar

  • Everyone should be aware of the importance of preventing and eliminating wrongdoing at Microlink.
  • Everyone should be watchful for illegal or unethical conduct and report anything of that nature that they become aware of.
  • Any matter will be investigated thoroughly, promptly, and confidentially, and the outcome of the investigation will be reported back to the individual who raised the issue.
  • This is sometimes referred to as whistleblowing.