Congratulations to Sheffield Area Partnership for redesignation Youth Justice SEND Quality Lead Status with a Child First Commendation
It was clear from the benchmark process in 2018 Sheffield had a well-organised, closely monitored and well-led service provision for children with SEND in local youth justice pathways. There was clear evidence of a “team-around-the-child” approach, with strong leadership and good strategic/corporate support: the redesignation process has identified a number of areas that illustrate continuous improvement from this secure position.
Close working with the Community Youth Teams and South Yorkshire Police delivers an Out of Court Disposal process that diverts more young people from a criminal justice pathways through the use of No Formal Outcome. This is achieved by strengthening working relationships with council, community and universal services that can offer the positive activities and opportunities that support young people away from offending lifestyles, by including early help and prevention services through a Multi-Agency Youth Outcome Panel process.
The close partnership working extends beyond the SEND Team and other Children’s Services in Sheffield into the South and West Yorkshire Resettlement Consortium (SWYRC). The SWYRC has strong support from a wide range of stakeholders, including: Police and Crime Commissioners, Secure Estate, Youth Offending Teams, Beyond Youth Custody (national resettlement research programme), Novus (Education Provider) Police, Probation, DWP, the Youth Justice Board and NHS England that enables a co-ordinated holistic response to the multiple complex needs of offenders, and a smooth transition from custody to community.
Central to achieving these elements is the partnership between agencies. This means effective co-operation between custodial providers, custodial education providers, the YJS and community agencies as well as widespread partnership coordination in the community post-release to address offenders’ multiple needs. It is for good reason the Consortium has been recognised as a Pathfinder by YJB.
Sheffield Area Partnership fully deserves Quality Lead redesignation with a Child First Commendation.
Well done Sheffield!