Congratulations to Coventry Youth Justice Service and Education Area Partnership for attaining Youth Justice SEND Quality Lead Status redesignation with a Child First Commendation
In January 2021, Coventry Local Area Partnership became the 22nd Youth Offending Team to gain Quality Lead status. The citation read:
“…in terms of a culture of teamwork as demonstrated by the range of colleagues who actively participated in the redesignation video conferences, it has to be one of the best submissions we have received.
“It is a glowing testament to your solid and hard-earned progress made over many years, boosted by activity in the last eighteen months. Particularly praiseworthy is the sense of collective ownership and responsibility, cross-sector training, a strong co-located co-commissioned team and a commitment to complete a comprehensive Asset+ based assessment for every child that enters a youth justice pathway.”
I am delighted to say that purpose, practice and outcomes have developed significantly over the past three years, as indicators show that first-time offending rates remain low and stable, and reoffending rates continue to fall:
- The Education Lead within the YJS has had significant impact. From improving relationships with schools, overseeing single point-of-contact relationships with a committed and supportive LA SEND Team and Virtual Headteacher, managing professional development to working closely with the Prospects Team to ensure positive ETE (Education Training and Employment) outcomes, this post will have a sustained and transformational impact across key indicators for Coventry; certainly area partnership effective practice that can be shared with other teams
- There is a growing movement helping all education providers (primary and secondary) move from trauma-awareness to trauma-informed, a step that will without doubt help schools to develop more inclusive provision, resulting in lower numbers of Fixed Term and Permanent Exclusions. The development of a specific intervention around knife crime is significant, involving schools, parents and the police, which again will reduce the marginalisation and criminalisation of young people
- Co-construction is a common theme that illuminates the commitment to Child First practice development. Young people are invited to contribute to system and process review, and the Inspire Programme (designed to give young people a tangible opportunity to reimagine positive futures through motivational talks, new experiences and introductions to new possibilities) has rightly been acknowledged through a John Hawkins Award
- All this would not be possible without a city-wide commitment to changing young people’s life outcomes. This is manifest in the number of Service Leads who actively contribute at Youth Justice Board level. Again, strong and productive relationships built on the foundations of common purpose ensure that Coventry moves forwards
Well done Coventry! It has been a pleasure working with you, and being able to acknowledge such significant and sustained progress.
Others can learn much from your outstanding practice.