Wednesday 5th February 2020 Kingston University (10am – 4pm)

We are proud to be the Headline Sponsor of Aimhigher.
Dr Nasser Siabi CEO at Microlink will be speaking about transitioning into employment and Access to work. Luke Nadin from Microlink will be speaking about his own personal journey of transitioning from education to employment.
The conference aims to help practitioners identify ways of working together to support student transitions. Delegates will have the opportunity to hear from researchers, support organisations and education practitioners about:
- National and local research findings and local trends and responses to SEND funding cuts
- Complying with the SEND Code of Practice 2015 with less funding
- SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) preparation for transition to HE
- Generic and specific support available to learners with SEND within education
- Support from the perspective of neurodiversity
- Student autonomy and empowerment
And to:
- Share the experiences of students at points of transition to HE/life after university
Who is it suitable for?
Anyone involved in the process of supporting students with additional/mental health needs.